Organization Manual: Secretary/Treasurer
The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for recording minutes of all business and Executive Board meetings, reporting the financial status of the Chapter to the Executive Board and the general membership, and working with the ILA-ACRL President to collect official documents from all officers and chairs for the Chapter’s archives at ILA. Minutes of Executive Board meetings should be sent to the ILA office as well as to members of the Board.
Schedule of Activities
In the year before the term of office, candidates for the position of Secretary/Treasurer are contacted by the Nominating Committee. Letters of acceptance must be written and returned to the Committee along with biographical information for the ballot.
Funds allocation from national ACRL for our chapter (based on membership) expires Aug. 31 each year, and is lost if not used. Remind officers of this deadline as it approaches.
Attend the ILA Annual Meeting and ILA/ACRL Business Meeting for the introduction of candidates. The election of Chapter officers occurs by electronic ballot around the time of the Annual Meeting, and the term officially begins January 1. The overlap from the election until assuming the responsibilities of the office allows time for orientation, conversation with the retiring officer, and clarification of the activities that are involved.
Attend the transitional ILA/ACRL Executive Board planning meeting, which provides an opportunity to discuss the coming year’s activities with other Officers and Chairs. This will be the last Executive Board meeting for the retiring Secretary/Treasurer, who will answer questions and provide transition information. The incoming Secretary/Treasurer will take minutes, including the names of members attending the meeting. The minutes are presented for approval at the next Chapter Executive Board meeting.
For the minutes of additional Chapter Executive Board meetings called during the year, the Secretary/Treasurer follows the same procedure.
For examples, see previous minutes at
At the Spring Meeting, give the Treasurer’s Report and the report of the Annual Meeting, and take minutes of the Executive Board and Business Meetings.
At the Annual Meeting, present the minutes from the Spring Business Meeting and a written report of the financial status of the Chapter. These and other reports and documents that are distributed must be collected for the archives and for ILA and ACRL as appropriate.
Prepare the annual report of the activities of Secretary/Treasurer.
Update these Organization Manual pages.
Attend the Annual Planning Session and present the minutes of the previous Executive Board meeting.
Pass records to the incoming Secretary/Treasurer.
Collect the original copies of all minutes, reports and other documents for deposit in the Chapter’s archives at the University of Iowa’s Special Collections Library.
Write letters of appreciation to key individuals.
The following items will be deposited each year in December (at the end of the term of the Secretary/Treasurer):
- Meeting Agendas and Minutes
- Official Iowa ACRL Conference Program
- Annual Reports
Special Information
- Contact the ILA office for the status of all financial accounts. One copy of authorized expenditures will be forwarded to the Secretary/Treasurer for compiling the Treasurer’s report.
- ILA uses a calendar year as basis for reporting.
- It is necessary to obtain Chapter financial information as close to the annual business meeting as possible in order to have an accurate printed report for the general membership.
- Not all officers and chairs automatically send copies of their program reports, minutes, and other documents to the Secretary/Treasurer. Prepare to remind people–often–about the need to archive these materials that detail the working of the Chapter. Some ILA-ACRL presidents prefer to gather this information for year-end reporting rather than having the Secretary/Treasurer do so.
Secretary Treasurer
2024 Debra Lowman, Scott Community College
2023 Debra Lowman, Scott Community College
2022 Lindsay Healey, DMACC
2021 Lindsay Healey, DMACC
2020 Lindsay Healey, DMACC
2019 Beth McMahon, Central College
2019 Annah Hackett, Grand View University (resigned)
2018 Kristy Raine, Mount Mercy University
2017 Kristy Raine, Mount Mercy University
2016 Jennifer Sterling, William Penn University
2015 Kristy Raine, Mount Mercy University
2014 Andi Beckendorf, Luther College
2013 Chris Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2012 Natalie Hutchinson, Central College
2011 Dan Chibnall, Grand View University
2010 Ericka Raber, University of Iowa
2009 Daniel Boice, Divine Word College
2008 Anne Marie Gruber, University of Dubuque
2007 Rebecca Funke, DMACC
2006 Randy Roeder
2005 Steve Ostrem
2004 Rebecca Stuhr
2003 Claudia T. Frazer, Drake University
2002 Stephen Dew
2001 Carolynne Lathrop
2000 Barbara Allen
1999 Barbara Allen
Update these instructions for next year’s committee.