Month: May 2023

  • Run For ILA/ACRL Executive Board!

    Run For ILA/ACRL Executive Board!

    Now more than ever, Iowa libraries need your voice and your care!

    Nominate yourself or a colleague (or both!) for ILA/ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, or Member At-Large! No limit on the number of nominations.

    ILA/ACRL provides all Chapter members an opportunity to serve on the executive board! The executive board consists of officers from the Chapter, the immediate Past President, the chairs of the standing committees, and two at-large members.

    For more information about officer’s positions and the executive board please check out our website.

    To volunteer, visit


    Electronic Communication Committee [Jenny Parker-Chair, Claire Bowling, Ellen Neuhaus, and Sarah Young] on behalf of Lisa Martincik, Vice President/President-Elect & Membership Committee Chair